About Liz LaFarge


I really did get the idea to write this blog from all of you fellow campers who have asked me so many questions. And the actual writing started because my three daughters, Kate, Susan, and Emily, insisted that I write them every other day, otherwise they’d call out the coastguard. I love it that they worry about me. Who knows? maybe that’s the whole reason I go on these long trips with my tent.

I’m not a writer by trade. I’ve spent my life being a psychologist doing psychotherapy, and in the evenings being the cellist in string quartets with my musician friends. In other words, I’ve spent my adult life sitting in either my therapist chair or my cello chair. I was determined to do more active things when I retired, and look at that! here I am sitting again, this time writing a blog in my little camping chair, my laptop on my knee.

In 2004 I retired, left my former life in the Hudson Valley, New York, and moved to a little town up in the mountains outside Tucson called Oracle. My three daughters live in Maine, Amsterdam, and New Zealand, nobody needs me, so I felt free to strike out on my own in the direction I wanted to go. I love the southwest, the incredible variety and strangeness of the landscape and the scrappiness and uniqueness of the people who live here. I love the mountains and Sonoran desert. I love the urbanity mixed with the wild-westness of Tucson. I love being retired and being able to do whatever I want. I am so very lucky to be so unencumbered, so free. And I never feel that more than when I’m off exploring this country with my tent.

My email: lizlafarge@gmail.com

15 thoughts on “About Liz LaFarge

  1. Love this! Another one of the intrepid women of Oracle who I consider to be role models whether they are aware of it or not!!! Thanks Liz, I look forward to following your blog.

  2. A former student sent me your link, making me happy to meet another woman in her 70s living nearby and writing her story. We are a 2 Prius / Prii family, so that picture plus your smiling face grabbed me right away. Glad to be following!

  3. How inspiring! I think you are living the dream of SO many women. Especially those of us over 40. I saw a link to your blog through someone I graduated from Vassar College with MANY years ago. I’ve spent the last half hour or so really appreciating what you have written. I look forward to reading more.

  4. We are enjoying your blog, Liz, and look forward to hearing of your adventures, as we travel along making our own. We’re off to Death Valley and Mesquite Springs today, then into Canada.

  5. Picked up our 2006 Scamp in June from a wonderful fellow in Wyoming. First timers, retired and so looking forward to new adventures in our new palace. Following your blog has been inspiring. Perhaps our paths will cross in the future! Living life in Tempe, living our dreams in our Scamp.

  6. Hey Liz! what a joy to come across your magnificent blog! I am 61yrs old and keep thinking about camping alone – so I googled it – and you came up. I’ve just spent over an hour reading your posts. I live in Cornwall, UK.

  7. Liz I am so tired my eyes keep closing but I can’t stop reading your blog. What a beautiful woman you are! Your life started without love but you radiate love in your words and smile. So happy I found your blog. I will be 70 in one year and I just bought a tiny little trailer that I wish to enjoy many travels with. Yesterday I was wondering if that was even realistic as a woman alone and you prove that it is more than realistic, it is even better! I love your camper, it fits to you with the carpet and clean table. I will be so happy I didn’t finish all of your blog tonight so I can read some tomorrow. I too live in Arizona, where I grew up. And I lived 36 years in Switzerland so I feel we have common grounds so to speak.

  8. The two ladies conversation on the front page is rather disturbing. First how did they do that or is it Liz doing something new such as chatting like they are just followers. You never know with Liz, she is so innovating. However, if not, and if those were real followers, I really didn’t like their conversation. Liz is so fit, does pilates and yoga in her trailer, she is also extremely mentally fit and most of all she is fearless. She will be going strong, dancing under the moonlight and celebrating her 99th year! Not sure we all will be there to read about it! I do agree about loving her blogs, her writing is mesmerizing. I can imagine her celebrating her 80th with relatives and friends. We need to be patient, it is worth the wait.

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